2 Comments on Storyboard

Reid's Storyboard Shots

Reid, my favorite shot of yours had to have been your action shot. I truly was shocked to see your fist heading towards me, or rather the camera, at mach 5.Another shot that portrayed emotion well was your extreme close up. To me at least it felt as if you had a sense of panic or stress. Lastly, a great shot had to have been your reaction shot. I really felt your sense of confusion and disorientation as your screen changed colors so rapidly.

Josh's Storyboard Shots

Josh, although all your shots are wonderful, there are three of them that stand out the most to me.
Your panorama really help to show the environment you were in. A quiet school hallway must've meant that this was taken during a class period.
Another shot that was good was your following shot. It helped to show what you actor was doing without needing the use of a POV shot.
Lastly, a shot that stood out was your extreme close up. It showed the facial features in great detail. There is no sense of distress and he shows that he is rather relaxed.


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